
Regional literature since 1996

The Bavarian Bibliography indexes monographs and essays about topics concerning Bavaria. It contains references to publications whose content relates to Bavaria, individual places or regions or personalities who lived and worked in this region. Not only individually published titles such as monographs, brochures and miscellanies, but also essays from journals, yearbooks and other collected editions are indexed. Publications with a year of publication from 1996 onwards are fully indexed. Earlier literature is added successively. Therefore, printed bibliographies are still indispensable for older literature.

Regional literature from 1945 to 1995

Literature concerning the former Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg, particularly present-day western Upper Franconia (without Coburg), is indexed in:
Bibliographie zur Geschichte von Stadt und Hochstift Bamberg 1945–1975. Mit Bamberger Zeitschriftenbeiträgen 1919–1964. München, 1980.

Four separate five-year-indices continued this work as:
Schrifttum zur Geschichte von Stadt und Hochstift Bamberg sowie der Randgebiete. Bamberg, 1981–1996.

German regional bibliographies

Meta-catalog for literature dealing with regional studies in Germany:
Virtuelle Deutsche Landesbibliographie

Compilation of the Baden-Württemberg Regional Library Stuttgart:
Regional bibliographies of the German-speaking area


recensio.regio is an open-access platform that has been created by the Bavarian State Library within the framework of the Specialised Information Service for Historical Sciences. The goal of the project is to provide book reviews relevant to regional history free of charge and barrier-free in the long term. Thanks to extensive subject indexing through subject headings and a classification system that covers the three levels topic, space and time, the reviews can be searched for in a differentiated way and are easily retrieved.
