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The Bamberg Cathedral Chapter's copper calendar for 1800 | SBB, MvO D II 107

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Die Staatsbibliothek Bamberg verwahrt eine große Sammlung von gedruckten Kalendern des 15. Jahrhundert. Einige davon stellt Prof. Dr. Richard Kremer vor.

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Fragment of a 36-line bible, one of the oldest prints in existence. Bamberg, about 1459/1461 | SBB, Inc.typ.A.VIII.9(2, fol. 1r

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The 36-line Bible, B36 for short, is a reprint of the first edition of the Latin Bible produced by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz around 1454, known as the B42. Over the course of his English-language lecture, Dr. Eric Marshall White presents some of the fourteen B36 specimens known to date, as well as several fragments, including one from the Bamberg State Library.

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